Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The Ensemble is having a fundraiser and would like your support.

The dancers and their families will be selling
denominations $50 & $100

It is not hard to spend this with Christmas just around the corner. Please approach any of the Ensemble dancers &/or their parents and help these hard working students.
Monday, December 19/11 @ 7 p.m.
St. Martin's School Gymnasium

Newsletters went out with dancers on Monday, December 5/11, but just in case you missed class here is the update:

First of all I would like to say thank you to Cara Fedorak and Candice van der Torre for all their work in organizing this years concert.

Each group will have rehearsal on Monday, December 19/11 at St. Martins Gymnasium at the following times:

Yellow 4:30-4:50 p.m.
Green 4:50-5:10 p.m.
Blue 5:10-5:30 p.m.
Red 5:30-5:50 p.m.
Black 5:50-6:10 p.m.
Ensemble 6:10-6:30 p.m.

If you leave after your practice, please make sure you are back by 6:30 with your dancer. A variety of crafts and activities will be available to entertain the kids while they wait. Please help to supervise them.

Costume Requirements:

Costumes for the concert will be supplied by costume parents on Dec. 12/11 if time permits. Otherwise they will be supplied to the dancers at rehearsal time on Dec. 19th.

For most levels, this means skirts for girls, sometimes hairpieces; vests or hats for boys. Everyone is asked to wear a black T-shirt; boys - black pants, girls - color of tights/hose as instructed by your costume parent.

Black Sopilka T-shirts are available from Lydia Lastiwka the evening of the concert. New dance club members are given a t-shirt; others are available for purchase at $10.00 each.


The following families are asked to bring snacks for after the concert. Please bring the indicated snack, cut and ready to serve, preferably on a disposable tray/plate. If not, don't forget your container. All remaining families not listed will be asked to bring something later in the dance season.

Baydala - cheese & crackers
Benette - cheese & crackers
Chilibecki - fruit
Chorney - fruit
Daskaluk - veggies
Eleniak - veggies
Fedorak - meat
Fedorouk - meat
Holowachuk - dessert
Jardine - dessert
Keryluk - dessert
Koroluk - dessert
Lastiwka - dessert
Lazaruk - dessert

He will be visiting after the concert. Don't forget to pack your camera.

Help cleaning up after the concert will be appreciated.
Please do your part by putting your families
garbage in the trash and ensuring you take
home your containers.

Questions regarding the Christmas Concert can be directed to the concert coordinators, Cara Fedorak (780)632-7229 or Candice van der Torre (780)632-8792.