Friday, November 19, 2010

Bring your thinking caps!

Hello Sopilka,

Please ensure that this coming Monday November 22nd, all students in my classes come focused and ready to learn. We will be pushing through a lot of choreography in Green, Blue and Black levels. This weekend would be an excellent opportunity to practice what we have already done in our dances. That way we don't need to spend too much time reviewing choreography.

Have a great weekend, keep warm and I will see you all on Monday.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas Concert - Only 3 weeks away!

Please let all family and friends know that the Sopilka Christmas Concert will be held at A.L. Horton on December 13/10 at 7:00 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to see the progress that our children have made so far. And as always, a visitor will be stopping by for a visit.  Dance practice for December 13, 2010 will be as follows:

Cultural Centre: Yellow  4:45-5:15 pm
                            Red  5:15-5:45 pm                                                               

AL Horton:  Green  4:15-4:45 pm
                     Blue  4:45-5:15 pm
                     Black  5:15-5:45 pm
                     Ensemble  5:45-6:15 pm

Set up of chairs and snacks: 6:15 – 6:45 pm.

Snacks to be brought by families with last name starting with A to/and including K.

Concert to start at 7:00 pm sharp.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Extra Scheduled Rehearsal for Miss Corinna’s Classes & Ensemble

Just a reminder that there will be a make-up rehearsal for all my classes on Friday, November 19th. Come to the Cultural Centre for your regular scheduled class. I am really hoping that everyone can make it but if you are unable to attend, please be sure to let me know.

Yellow: 4:45-5:30pm
Red: 5:30-7:00pm
Ensemble: 7:00-10:00pm

REMINDER - Solo/duet/trio sign up deadline is this Monday, November 15th!

Please, Please, Please – ‘Ladies in Red’ and Ensemble Dancers review your choreography BEFORE next Monday’s class. The Christmas concert is closer than you think!

-Miss Corinna